Rats, beans and memory |
An herb a day keeps the doctor away |
Individuality |
Herbal remedies skyrocket as health care cost rise |
Collaboration to re-green haiti meets during hurricane |
Books by Dr. Duke |
Prevention Magazine presents Duke's "Green Pharmacy Guide to Healing Foods" |
The Most Important MEDICINE You'll Ever GROW |
The USDA Economic Botany Laboratory's Data Base on Minor Economic Plant Species |
Ginseng 1 (Song from Herbalbum) |
Duke to keynote botanical medicine conference April 4-5 in Tempe AZ |
Got quinoa? Duke leads Andean workshop |
Economic Plants for Holdridge Life Zones Climatic Requirements of 1000 Species |
Converstations: Dr. Jim Duke interview with Alternative Therapies |
Attention Google: 1000 Plants Project |
Ethnobotanist Mark Plotkin speaks at Google |
Book Review: Medicinal Plants of the Bible |
Nutritional value of Cocoa |
Mark Plotkin Amazon Conservation Team |
Photos of Dr. James A. Duke in Panama (Circa 1966) |
Higher vitamin E levels in smokers linked with reduced pancreatic cancer risk |
Wade Davis |
Paul Ehrlich |
Richard Evans Schultes |
Mark Dafforn |
E.O. Wilson |
Ernst Mayr |
Jed Fahey |
John Kress |
Mark Plotkin |
Noel Vietmeyer |
Technology is like a car with a lot of horsepower... |
Paul Ehrlich |
Ernst Mayr |
James A. Duke |
Video gallery: Ethnobotanical luminaries |
Publications Bibliography |
No Legal Shield in Drug Labeling, Justices Rule |
Marijuana |
John Muir |
Ansel Adams |
Baltimore Sun features Green Farmacy Garden |
Brad Bennet |
Dan Austin |
Dan Moerman |
Michael Balick |
Nancy Turner |
Steven R. King |
Flowers as remedies |
We forget that all life forms... |