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Sample Type: MARROW CRUSH Description: No history was available in this case. Cells in this field are largely plasmacytoid. Fewer cells are lymphoid . By immuno-fixation,this... |
Sample Type: MARROW SMEAR Description: The plasmacyt-oid cells in this patient are relatively small and well differentiated . They closely resemble normal plasma cells.... |
Sample Type: MARROW SMEAR Description: A higher power shows the clumped chromatin of the myeloma cells to better advantage. One binucleate form illustrated in the preceding... |
Sample Type: CRUSH PREP. with MARROW SMEAR: Description: New features in this field include a trilobed myeloma cell and a large Dutcher body (to the right of dead center). The former does... |
Sample Type: CRUSH PREP. with MARROW SMEAR: Description: In this field, note the following : 1) a trinucleate myeloma cell, 2) a near-naked nucleus (possibly that of a myeloma cell – see black... |
Sample Type: TREPHINE Description: Biopsy : If this field is representative, then the marrow is markedly hypercellular for any later adult decade. A crush artifact is... |
Sample Type: TREPHINE Description: Biopsy: At higher power, both plasmacytoid and lymphoid cells are noted as in the smear. At least 6 crisp Dutcher bodies are observed in... |
Sample Type: TREPHINE Description: Biopsy : In this area of the trephine biopsy (cut more thinly), cytoplasmic margins of plasmacytoid myeloma cells are less readily... |
Sample Type: TREPHINE Description: Biopsy : In this slightly thicker cut of the biopsy, cytoplasmic margins of the myeloma cells are no easier to define. Whether the cut... |
Sample Type: TREPHINE Description: Biopsy :Even at very high power, cytoplasmic margins in this tightly-packed area of the biopsy are poorly defined. An amorphous... |